Thinking Inside the Box

I am a list maker.  I am also a very “A.D.D.” type person, so I really need them in order to ensure things get done.
I have them everywhere… my iPad, in my purse and on my chalk board door in my kitchen.
I wanted to share a quick way to dress up the basic chalk board wall or door with our new Anne 19″ squares.  I also found it is a great way to organize thoughts and lists. Anne square panel as a chalkboard frame
I took a standard flat door in my kitchen and painted it with chalk board paint.
I then stuck 3 Anne squares down the center evenly spaced…
Paint any door or surface with chalk paint
And voila!
I had my To Do’s, Important Events and Shopping List nicely arranged.
If you have kids you can assign them each one to give them reminders, etc.
Attach Anne panels
 If you don’t feel like painting entire walls you can just trace the inside of the Anne on the wall, and paint slightly outside those lines to make sure the area is covered. Then once it is dry glue the Anne on to finish it off.
(I really wasn’t up for painting around mine, so please excuse my lousy Photoshop skills…)
Another way to it is just paint inside the Anne panel
And don’t forget…
Great notes an sale
Happy O’verlaying!