Do it yourself childrens dresser with sea turtles


Craft a do it yourself sea turtle childrens dresser using an Ikea dresser  and o’verlays is as easy as you want it to be. Make it with or without the patterned drawers, paint the dresser or not, you decide.  Create this fun little dresser to fit your child’s room.  Want something other than Turtles?  Discover other Novelty panels available at O’verlays.

supplies for turtle childrens dresser

What you’ll need for the childrens dresser

  • Dresser any color with drawers close together, no space between them. (See below for notes on dressers to use)
  • Peel and stick wallpaper, contact paper or wrapping paper (See below for notes on paper)
  • Drawer pulls
  • Straight edge ruler that will not slip and sharp utility knife or X-Acto knife
  • Adhesive – Liquid Nails silicone adhesive, Gorilla glue, Glue Dots, spray adhesive – your choice.


  1. Put your dresser together and apply the paper to the drawer face.
  2. Lay the drawers face side up on the floor and decide where you want the turtles placed and where the drawer pulls should be.
  3. Take a straight edge ruler and mark the place with a pencil on the turtle where you need to cut .
  4. Use your straight edge and X-Acto knife and carefully cut on the lines.  Lightly sand the cut edges to make them smooth.
  5. Paint your O’verlays.  We like to give the panels a finished look so we give them a coat of white paint, spray or roll on, either are fine.
  6. Drill holes for the drawer pulls if necessary
  7. Glue the Turtles in place, let dry.
  8. Place drawers back into the dresser and admire your whinsical childrens dresser.

Notes about the Dresser

When choosing the dresser, this application works best if the drawers are close together without a space between them.  The Ikea Koppang, Askvoll, Rast, Dyfjord are good choices as well as many other dressers you can find on Amazon and Wayfair.

Notes about the Paper

Danika Herrick -cofounder of O’verlays – has a great collection of fun patterns to choose from on Spoonflower.  The peel and stick wallpaper is a little pricey but it can be used for other projects in the room, such as a cover on a plain lampshade or the back inside panel in a bookshelf.  You can also get the same patterns in wrapping paper or fabric at a lesser cost to decoupage onto the drawer front.

sea turtle childrens dresser
